My Top Picks for Virtual Birth Courses and Why You Need to Take One

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself and all opinions expressed here are my own. With that being said, this post may contain affiliate links that I make a small commission on, but it is of no additional cost to you. Thank you for using my links and helping support me as I share information!

If you’re an “expecting” Mama-to-be, you’ve probably had your mind racing with all the things that need to get done. Paint the nursery, research the best baby gear, install the car seat and pack your hospital bag. But not so fast, there’s one thing you DEFINITELY want to make sure you do before baby is “due” : Take a Birth Course.

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When I say “birth course” what comes to mind? Sitting in the class your hospital offers where they overload you with surface level information in a mere afternoon? Or maybe the hassle of you and your partner rushing out the door each week and sitting through lengthy lectures?

Mama, let me tell you: There’s a better way.

But first, I want to talk about why I recommend taking a true birth course vs. the standard one-off class that the hospital offers.

The Problem

Here’s the truth: The crash course that your hospital offers does more to teach you how to be a “good” patient, rather than an empowered patient.

Why is that? Well there are a lot of reasons…

  • The classes are short & sweet, with not a lot of time to truly educate you or prepare you

  • Hospitals are run like a for-profit business that prioritize efficiency over an experience when it comes to birth

  • Empowered patients are sometimes more of a headache for hospital staff

But this clearly isn’t working. I can say that pretty confidently being that nearly 1/3 of all hospital births in the United States are c-section births. When it comes to preparing for labor, both physically and mentally, there is just too much information to be stuffed into an afternoon class.

The Solution

So how do you prepare to have an empowered birth experience? Take an out of hospital birth class!

Traditionally, birth classes required parents-to-be to meet in person for weekly classes. While there is definitely value in face-to-face meetings, it’s not always convenient.

If COVID-19 taught us anything, it’s that you can have quality content brought to you virtually. And when it comes to taking a birth course, there’s no exception. There are plenty of online birth courses, but in this post I’ll be sharing my top picks—no matter if you’re planning a hospital delivery, a birth center birth or a home birth experience.

The Autonomous Birth Academy

The “Autonomous Birth Academy” is taught by Kyleigh aka The Autonomy Mommy on Instagram. Kyleigh went from fearing birth and wanting a planned c-section, to having an unmedicated homebirth and becoming a birth doula! Such an amazing testament to how education can be empowering and change your perspective on birth.

The Autonomous Birth Academy consists of 8 modules, with 39 video lessons. For each lesson, there is an accompanying PDF guide, checklist, worksheet or other resource to accompany the video and slide lesson!

I’ve had the chance to view the content of this course and WOW is it jam-packed with information.

Kyleigh’s “tell it as it is” approach wastes no time with fluff and filler content. While direct and straight up, her communication is still empowering and never shaming.

In my opinion, this is a great course to take if you want to feel in control and empowered by knowing your rights. A great pick for any birthing location—hospital, home or birth center.

If you know anything about my birth story, you might think I have a pretty good handle on what goes down in labor and birth. But if I have another baby, I think I will still go ahead and purchase The Autonomous Birth Academy—like it’s that valuable with empowering content.

Overall, I think you can’t go wrong with this course. Whether you are pregnant with your first baby and a little nervous about birth, or you’ve had multiple births in the past, this is a great investment!

Join the waitlist for The Autonomous Birth Academy here!

And while you’re waiting, download the free guide all about Red Flags to look for when choosing a birth provider.

The Mama Natural Birth Course

“Mama Natural” is pretty well known for her Week-by-Week pregnancy book! It’s like a “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” for crunchy Moms. But what many Mamas don’t know is that she has a great birth course!

In fact, this is the birth course I took myself!

In my opinion, The Mama Natural birth course is a great one to take if you are hoping to have an unmedicated labor at a hospital or birth center.

Taught by Genevieve Howland aka “Mama Natural” and Maura Winkler (RN, CNM, CD, IBCLC), the course is an 8 part video series + bonuses like a VBAC class, Breastfeeding masterclass, practice videos and labor prep exercises for you and your partner to practice, printable guides and cheat sheets, as well as a selected natural birth video each week.

This course also includes special sections directed at the male birth partner in each lesson—which is a great touch. Because YES, your partner should be watching/attending your birth course with you!

A side little detail that some might appreciate: The videos for the course are professionally produced, opposed to the typical online course style many are familiar with.

Get more information about the Mama Natural Birth Course here!

The Labor Nurse Mama Birth Course

“Labor Nurse Mama” started out as a popular Instagram page run by Trish Ware, an experienced high risk Labor & Delivery nurse, who also happens to be a Mama of 7! If you check out her Instagram page, you’ll see that her style is very information based that focuses on the idea of knowledge being your power in birth.

Trish describes herself as an L&D nurse that goes against the norm by walking to the beat of a more natural drum. She recognizes some of the frustrations and roadblocks that many women face when birthing their baby in a hospital.

In my opinion, the Labor Nurse Mama course, “Calm Labor, Confident Birth”, is a great option for someone who wants to have an empowered birth in a hospital setting.

In the Calm Labor, Confident Birth course, Trish focuses on getting in the right mindset for an amazing birth, as well as practical information to help you have a birth that you love.

This course will also help you feel confident with not only creating your plan, but also Plan B and Plan C.

Check out more information and jump on the waitlist for the Calm Labor, Confident Birth course by Labor Nurse Mama here!

There are plenty of amazing options for birth courses ranging from Bradley Method to Hypnobirthing, in addition to the amazing virtual options I’ve listed! As long as the course you take is NOT hosted by your hospital, you really can’t go wrong!

No matter what you choose, I hope you feel informed and empowered to have an incredible birth experience!